Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ethan is rolling!

I wasn't sure I was going to blog this week but ended up going through some pictures and thought I would share. Last Friday we dropped Jon off at the train station with Grandma and Grandpa P. so they all could take the train back to Reno. According to Jon it was a lot of fun and his favorite part was the pizza for lunch. I'm sure it was beautiful! He seemed to have a great visit. Yesterday my mom's best friend Jonnie came for a visit. It was nice having an extra set of hands. I can't believe how long this week feels. Nate was gone all day Sunday picking up Jon and then he worked Mon, Wed and today. I'm looking forward to him being home tomorrow! The kids are doing great! I think Jake is working on his bottom molars coming in and Ethan is rolling over! We found him asleep on his side this morning and it's just too cute! Jon is not looking forward to school starting in 2 weeks but I am! We also got his scores back for the Star Testing and he did great in Math and okay in English and pretty good in reading. He's reading at a 5th grade level, which isn't bad since he's going into 4th grade. OMG 4th grade?? Where did the time go??? How in the world do I have a 4th grader. So we're getting some yummy food out of Nate's garden finally. The tomatoes are awesome!! He grew 3 different kinds but I couldn't tell you which! He also has corn this year which is new. The first couple he picked weren't quite ready but they had a great flavor! We're also getting jalapenos and Serrano peppers, I'm sure he'll make some sort of hot sauce again this year. Jon and I are both waiting for the watermelons, we're hoping one will be done this weekend! A couple other things that are growing are, pumpkins (for Halloween), Cantaloupe, Zucchini (which has been GREAT! And Jon won't stop eating it raw), tomatillo's, and a bunch of herbs, cilantro being my favorite. He didn't plant onions this year, which I am not happy about! We also have blackberries growing wild on our property and the kids LOVE them! I swear Aly is going to turn into a blackberry! Thank goodness she hasn't figured out where they are or else we'd have a heck of a time keeping her out of those bushes! So the other day Nate brought in our first round of tomatoes... He brought them in on a plate and walked past the twins who were eating dinner in their highchairs. They went CRAZY wanting those things on the plate... I figured they must have thought they were apples (they LOVE apples!) so I decided to give them each a tomato :-) Aly seemed to enjoy it but Jake didn't much like it and preferred to stick his fingers in it and pull out the inside. It was a lot of fun to watch! I also have a video of the twins taken last month when they were playing in the tub. It's awfully cute! Jake was attempting to float... It's taken with my camera so please excuse the bad quality.

1 comment:

  1. That is so great that Ethan is rolling!!! Do love the messy eating pictures :)
