Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Camaro and spaghetti

I'll start with the Camaro. Nate and I bought the Camaro back in 2001. I thought my mom was going to have a stroke when we came home with that car! Jon was a year old and I'm sure she thought we would be coming home with some sort of family car. Well the Camaro was our family car for almost 3 years.

Some of my best memories are driving up and down the coast with the top down at night. What a beautiful ride.

Now don't get me wrong, on many occasions I have sworn that car was going to be sold! Usually when Nate brings home the speeding tickets.. yes there have been many. But could we ever really part with this car, probably not. Nate talks about giving it to Jon someday.. we'll see :-)

So anyways I haven't taken a ride in the Camaro in awhile and last Saturday night I got my chance. Nathan and I had a date night! We hired a babysitter who actually is a nanny for a couple families that have multiples. Her name is Summer and she is wonderful! She came over and watched all 4 of the kids. She fed them dinner, put them to bed and even played a couple games of battleship with Jon. It was so nice to be able to get out and not feel bad for putting someone out. Nate and I went to eat and then did some shopping. It was so nice to be able to jump out of the car and run in and run right back out. I do think we even ran at one point! It's amazing how fast you can do things without kids in tow. Nathan got a new watch--which was his late Father's Day present, and it looks very nice!

So back to the Camaro... It was finally cool enough to put the top down after dinner and we just drove around for awhile. We ended up going through Cameron Park and they had Fireworks going off!! It was SOOO cool!

I had forgotten the unspeakable pact that Camaro drivers have with each other. The "nod" or the "wave" they give each other. It cracks me up! It's like if you drive a Camaro you're in the "cool club"... We did have to drive around a Camaro that was going too slow and I said "ooh bad Camaro driver" Nate just looked at me and said "No, it's not an SS, they can't help it"... haha As if I knew that the SS was so much better.

It was a great night! And we've promised each other that we will do this at LEAST once a month! We're thinking that we may even add another night a month when we just do something with Jon.

Friday was Nate's Birthday and he scheduled himself a dentist appointment, strange boy! So after his dentist appointment he came home and decided to wash and wax the Camaro for our date Saturday. Here are a couple pics of that! Jake felt it was his job to mop the grass and the driveway. Aly just wanted to be where ever daddy was or water was.

I kid you not Jake carried this mop around for at least 1.5 hours.

Jake and his mop...
Must help daddy!!

Spaghetti night is always fun at the Poehlmans but this night was exceptionally messy. They seemed to enjoy it!

Ethan watching all the fun!

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