Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ethan, Ethan, Ethan....

Boy oh boy is Ethan a big boy!!! Ethan is also a very healthy baby which is what matters most. He had his 4 month well baby visit last Friday. At 4.5 months he weights in at 17.10lbs, and he's 26in. Just to compare a bit, Aly is exactly 19lbs at 17.5 months old.

Ethan cracks me up! He has the best smile and is in that stage where EVERYTHING goes in his mouth! He's drinking a ton but we haven't started solid foods yet. I'm kind of scared to :-) Just this morning I was out of clothes for Ethan (I know a big shock considering how many clothes we have) so I grabbed a onesie of Jake's and it fits... Yep Ethan is in size 12 month clothes. He had a big first on Monday, he rolled over from his belly to his back! He's really working on rolling from his back to his front but his pesky arm gets in the way. He's also reaching for things and loves to play with his feet.

A thought popped in my head a couple days ago that I would need to have the baptism ASAP in order for Ethan to wear the same outfit... Yeah well that didn't really work and I should have known better. So we'll wait till September. Uncle Mason is going to be the God-Father and this time around Barbara is going to be the God-Mother. She already has a very special bond with Little E and I know she'll enjoy her role!

As for all the other children-- Jake and Aly started swim lessons last Saturday! Boy was that a lot of work! And I can say that it wasn't just because I had twins. It's a parent participation class so Barb came with so she could help out. She made it very clear that I would get whichever was fussier :-) duh! It's an indoor pool and heated, it felt like a sauna but the kids loved it. They both had no issues with getting into the water and I think Aly enjoyed it but Jake wanted to walk around the pool and play with the stuff on the outside of the pool. They both did GREAT though! Aly was extremely relaxed and preferred just floating around. Jake did have to stay busy but it helped that there were a lot of other kids around. We're looking forward to next week.

We did get some great news last week... Mason and Marcela are engaged! The ring is beautiful and Nathan was asked to be the Best Man, what an honor!

We're also getting our Disneyland plans in order. I'm SOOOO excited! November can not come soon enough.

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