Wednesday, August 5, 2009

More cheese and soccer!

It's that time of year again! Things start getting crazy busy.
Yesterday the twins had their 18 month check-up. I had planned on having my cousin Meg watch Ethan and Jon while Nate and I took the twins, but I overslept and didn't have the time. So we took all of them to the doctors. It was a zoo!
Both of them are looking great and we didn't have any referrals this time, yippee!! Aly was weighed first and weighs 20lbs 1oz. Jacob is 22lbs 7oz and he's an inch taller. They both were at the 50% level at 12 months and have dropped. Jake is now in the 25th % and Aly is just barely in the 7th %. So needless to say we have to work on putting some weight on them. High calorie meals are on the menu.
Why is it when I need to lose weight they need to gain it?! Luckily I'm not a fan of cheese and that's what I'm hoping to beef them up with!
They did great and each got 4 shots and Jake had his finger poked. I'm glad it's over. We normally wouldn't go back for another 6 months but we have to go back in 2 months for a weight check.
Boy were they fussy last night! But our life saver was our new sitter named Summer. I could have just about kissed her! She called to offer babysitting this week since her son is at camp and I took her up on it. I warned her the kids were miserable but I had my yearly "girl" exam with my gyn, and really didn't want to drag all the monkey's with me! So she stayed here with them and Nate and I went. It was so nice not to have to bring anything in with me, and just sit.
I know I'm going to ramble a little, so feel free to just scroll down but I ADORE my obgyn!!! He is by far, hands down, the best doctor I have ever had. Not only did he get me through a twin pregnancy... with no bed-rest, no pre-term labor, and to my scheduled 37.5 week c-section. But he also has gotten me through so many struggles- not being able to get pregnant to getting pregnant 4 months after the twins were born, to issues with my incision and to letting me out of the hospital early after my last c-section so I could go home and be with my kids. He just understands me and made me feel so normal when I saw him yesterday. I just adore him and can not put in words how much I respect him and trust him. He also deals with Nate so well! He's the doctor that told us that Nate had super-sperm... yep, thanks for that (roll-eyes)... I also want to say that his nurse, who has been his nurse ever since I've seen him and the only nurse that I've ever had greet me, is AWESOME! She knows my kids names and even what grade Jon is in. I just love them.
So back on track to the crazy life. Today a Vision Specialist/Therapist was here to work with Ethan and she was one of those people that I have so much to learn from. She has a wealth of knowledge and would love to have someone like that as a mentor if I ever went into that field... She gave me a couple of techniques to use to help him adjust and work on his perception of things. Ethan is doing so very well.
Friday I finally am getting my teeth cleaned after having all my icky dental work done. Jon also has a dentist appointment a couple hours after me. Next week Jake has his hearing test on Tuesday and Ethan has his eye appointment on Thursday... Oh did I forget about Jon :-) He starts school next Wednesday!!! My 4th grader.
Jon has also started SOCCER!!! He has practice's every Tuesday and Thursday and his first game is Sept 12th. I'll send out the schedule for the other games when we get them.
No pictures this time... I promise to have a couple more soon!

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