Monday, May 4, 2009

The start of May...

Aly and Ethan in the swing on the same day!! Aly in Ethan's bouncer, Aly hated it when she was a baby, now I can't keep her out of it!
May is a crazy busy month in the Poehlman house! It always has been, even before the 3 babies came along :-) It revs me up for the summer and I LOVE it!

I've been in a spring cleaning frenzy the past week and Nathan is a very happy man. I've been throwing a ton of stuff away! I even went through Jon's clothes and ended up having to throw a lot of things away... Poor kids been wearing them so long they have HOLES, haha! The rest will be donated. Boy does Jon need to put on some weight! The kid is killing me! I have 4 pairs of shorts for him and NONE of them will fit this summer, so I have to go shopping for SMALLER sizes... There's something wrong with that picture. Pants are worse, he's in a size 8 length but even the adjustable waist on the 8's are too small, so he's always wearing "high waters". I've also discovered that I need to start buying him high quality shoes. He DESTROYS his shoes but he continues to wear them forever and ever... He finds one pair and wears those till their dead, or disappear at night somehow :-)

We had a great day yesterday at our cousin's 1st and 3rd birthday party!! Kaylin turned 3 last week and she is just the cutest, smartest little girl! I can NOT get enough of her! Her brother Roan turns 1 on Mothers Day and he is such a big boy! He weighs more then Aly and pretty darn close to Jake if not more. He's also such a BLONDIE!! I LOVE IT!! He thoroughly enjoyed his cake, it was adorable. I did end up having to send my twins home to hang with dad because it was just way too busy for them. It was supposed to be an outdoor party but it rained.. Luckily we see them often so they understood. It was nice to just be with Ethan and hang out, even if he was fussy!

Ethan has started the 6am wake-up call. I have to tell you I kind of miss the twins. Then BOTH Nate and I had to get up and help, well since it's only one it's ALL me. Nate tries for about 10 minutes and then goes back to bed, punk! I've started bringing Ethan to bed so I can pump and hold him at the same time and I make sure the tv is on a little louder so Nate can't go back to sleep too easily :-) I really shouldn't complain though, Ethan is sleeping from 10p to 6am without interruption!! He's such a good baby! He does have a temper though, he can go from happy to RED faced mad in a matter of a second. He really looks like he's going to explode, Nate laughs and backs up away from him!

He has his 2 month check up (quite a bit late) tomorrow so I'm sure I'll post again later this week. Jon also has his Open House tomorrow at school. He can't wait! He keeps making sure that we're going to bring Ethan (who's his favorite at the moment) so he can show him off to his teacher and friends. We keep telling Jon that Ethan looks just like he did when he was a baby so that might be why. I am looking forward to it though, I love seeing all the art work and friends.

Jake and Aly are doing great. They've been trapped inside the past couple days so I'm sure they'll be happy when we see the sun again! Their new favorite thing is graham crackers. I can't give them to them when their walking around because Jake steals Aly's. She then knocks him down (he's not too steady on his feet) and they break so she can get a bit more. It turns into a screaming match so now they only get them in their highchairs or in the car.

Here are some pictures of the twins destroying the nursery while I was trying to re-organize some things, HA!

I love my twinados!

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