Wednesday, May 6, 2009

2 month check-up

Jake and Aly 13 months ago... Same age as Ethan

Little E had his 2 month check up yesterday and he is doing great! He's such a big boy! He weighs 13lbs 13oz and is 23 in tall. To compare Jacob was 10lbs 15oz and 21.5in tall. Miss Aly was a pound lighter and an inch shorter then Jake! Who knew that our last would be our largest?! He's in the 90th percentile for weight and 75th for height!

Of course we can never make it out of an appointment with follow up tests and this time we got two! Nate and I have both noticed that Ethan has a heck of time tracking things with his eyes and he doesn't seem to focus. Of course with my Nystagmus this has me worried but I really doubt I have the genetic form of N... However it's always better to be safe then sorry! So he's seeing a great Pediatric Opthamoligist, I've actually seen her myself.

The other referral was for Mr Jake. He doesn't have very many words in his vocab (especially compared to Miss Smarty Pants) so we're going to an Audiologist to have his hearing checked. I really don't think he has anything wrong since he seems to be able to hear us and the dogs that he barks back at... but again it's better to be safe then sorry. However with Jake if his hearing comes back normal then we'll have to get him evaluated for speech.

At least it's not Aly this time! The girl deserves a break :-)

Nathan is driving me bonkers about what to get me for Mothers Day! I honestly have everything I could possibly ask for and my life is so full of love and smiles. He drove me crazy for my Birthday and because I didn't want anything he feels he Really has to get me something for Mothers Day. I'm sure I'll think of something. I honestly would just love to spend some alone time with him. I miss just hanging out with him, he is truly my best friend and sometimes we just need our alone time. But on the other hand it's so hard for me to let go of my little ones. Sometimes I close my eyes and fast forward 20 years and we're off traveling the world...

We finally got a crib for Ethan so that will keep my next couple days busy making room in the nursery for it.

Oh we went to Jon's Open House for school yesterday and that was AWESOME! What a wonderful kid he is! He's always amazed me with his imagination (not always in the best of ways) but I love seeing his mind at work! I also adore his teacher, she definitely brings out the best in him. All I can hope is that she follows him to 4th grade... really is that too much to ask?! All of his projects were out and a lot of his writing. I stood and talked with a couple other moms and his teacher for quite sometime and it was so uplifting to hear how great the whole class was. They have another field trip on Thursday, Farm Day at the fair.

It's also time to register Jon for Soccer!!! YIPPEEE!!! I LOVE soccer!!! I'm a little disappointed because a lot of Jon's teammates are now playing Select but being that Jon was one of the youngest on his team (always has been) he's just not there yet. Maybe next year but even then I'm not sure it's his thing. Oh well. I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun chasing the twins around while Jon practices!! haha.

Yesterday ended with Nate making us tacos... You HAVE to have tacos on Cinco de Mayo!

Today's my grandma's birthday-- Happy birthday Nana, we miss you!


  1. Girl, I am praying, praying, praying that Ethan's eyes are fine and he doesn't have Nystagmus or anything else. Please send me a text as soon as you see the PO, please!

    <3 u

  2. Love to Nana. Bet she's drivin Mom crazy!
    Whatever the outcome of the tests, you are on top of it Brig, and HE won't give you more than you can handle.I love and admire you!
