Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jake at work, Mother's Day, and so much more!

I absolutely love the month of May. Our honeysuckle in front of the house is in full bloom and just smells wonderful! I can smell it all through the house and can not get enough of it!!

Nathan works from home on Tuesdays and Fridays... So last Friday we let the kids loose in Jon's room which also happens to be the office. Here are a couple pics. Jake was so mad when Nate pulled him away from the keyboard! Aly only sat there for a minute and then was off to climb the stairs!

This last weekend went by really fast, yet again! It was my best friends (Barb) birthday so I spent Saturday with her. We went to the mall without kids and it was great! It was so nice to walk in and out of stores and just be able to browse! We also went out to lunch at the new McCormick and Schmick's in Roseville. It was very good! I had their fish and chips and it was YUM! I haven't had really good fish and chips in AGES!! I remember when I was little my grandma (mom's mom) used to take me to a place in Mountain View that was really good. I can't wait to go with Nate and the family.

Sunday was of course Mothers Day -- I hope all the moms reading this had a GREAT day!! As I look back on the day, it was great for me. It also brings some tears to my eyes. Nathan has this wonderful habit of treating me like royalty on my birthday and Mother's day... I of course do the same for him on his birthday and Father's Day. So I chose to take a drive and go on a hunt for fresh strawberries. Nate had read an article in the Sac Bee about Strawberry stands in the Florin area of Sac so that's where we went. It took about an hour to get down that way and found one right away. We only got a couple baskets cause I wanted to check out another. As we were driving I remembered that my mom used to LOVE LOVE taking drives. I really miss that! If she could do anything on Mother's Day (besides be in Vegas :-) ) it would have been taking a drive. I felt her with me all day. Some of my best memories are when we were in the car. I can easily count on one hand how many times we had to pull over to wipe away the tears from laughing so hard. It's funny how things turn around on you though... Now I have Jon who is the funniest kid around! The things he comes up with are just hilarious! He's made me laugh so hard I cried numerous times! Back to Mother's Day... We also went to the mall and let the kids run run run! It was pretty empty so we let them loose! It was really funny though... Aly was ALL over the place... She didn't stop moving once, she just walked walked walked. I ended up just walking behind her because she kind of went back and forth and there was no "following" her. Jake on the other hand was SLOW haha! He felt he had to push the cart the whole time and then would stop and play with the wheel and then go back to pushing. I think Aly walked up and down 3 times before Jake caught up to her. It was a lot of fun and very funny to watch. Jon did great go back and forth between them and I think he really enjoyed chasing Aly around. We then came home and had some yummy steak fajitas... all in all it was a great day.
Here are a couple pics of Aly and Jake on Mother's Day...

Our new thing this week is CLIMBING!! Must they climb on EVERYTHING?!?! It's driving me nuts! It doesn't help that they see the other climb and then they want to do it first so not only do I have to worry about the one climbing but also the one trying to take them down so they can climb... The lovely life of twins.

Stay tuned for next weeks blog--We're going away for the weekend and I'm SUPER excited!! It's my Mother's Day gift from Nate and we can't wait! There's a strong possibility that we'll spend the entire time in the room sleeping. I'm not happy about the fact that I still have to pump every 4 hours but oh well...

Here are a couple pictures of Ethan at 2.5 months...

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