Monday, April 27, 2009

A great weekend!

Flowers from Laura and her mom for my birthday!

Wow last week sure went by fast! Jon had STAR testing and that kept us home and on schedule. We found out that our favorite 1st grade teacher was given her pink slip along with quite a few others at Jon's school. I'm so very sad that she may not teach there! She is the only reason we survived 1st grade and that Jon is reading at a 5th grade level now! I feel sorry for her but I'm just devastated by the fact that she might not be there to help another 1st grader go through what Jon did, or to help parents like us learn to teach our children how to read.

I do have to give the other side of this though, there is a teacher that has been given the pink slip that I really feel was ready to be done with teaching. I will not be sorry to see her go and feel that she'll probably be so much happier now.

I had such a great weekend! Saturday Barbara and I took Jon and the twins to the Roseville Galleria (mall) and spent quite a bit of time playing in the little play area. We then got popcorn and some lunch and took a nice long walk around the mall. The twins did really well and seemed to have a lot of fun. No time for pictures as our hands were really full :-) Jake and Aly are some funny kids! Jake had a blast climbing to the top of the slide where he would stand and just look up... Jon took him down the slide once and Jake of course was NOT happy. He then had to climb back up to just stand there and look at the ceiling. Aly on the other hand would climb all the way to the top and slide head first on her tummy! She did not want any help and didn't wait for us at all! She is my little daredevil! Jake loved the little rain machine--and I could have sworn he was going to take some guys cell phone out of his hands! Jon did great helping the twins learn new ways of going under the toys or over them. He's such a good big brother, I do think he favors Aly though :-) It was a great time but we were exhausted by the end of the day!

Sunday my best friend in the entire world took me out! Barb and I left at 10 with NO KIDS!! It was beyond wonderful! We did a lot of shopping and just walking around, we also had a great lunch at Chevy's. It was so nice not to have to order for the kids or to keep the twins entertained or to clean up the crazy mess after! We came home around 5p and I felt like I could take on all the kids again. Nathan did GREAT, of course! He's such a good dad! He did put together the watertable and let them play on it before I got to see it, but whatever :-) i'm only a tad bitter! I'll have to post the pictures he took later--oh wait he didn't take any! haha. I'm glad they were good for him though!

After Barb leaves we then feed the twins dinner... Well I bought some bowls and made them some yummy spaghetti and gave them spoons!

Their first real attempt at eating with spoons went great! Of course it was nice and messy.

Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had such a great weekend!!
    Love the messy food pictures!!
