Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ethan is 6 weeks!

Aly and Jake love to look out the window!
Ethan turned 6 weeks old on Monday! He's such a great baby. We all still have our own opinions about who he looks like but I think he looks like Jon. He has a great smile which we are now just getting to see more of. He has a dimple just like Jon. We all know he's going to be a tough little guy cause his brother and sister truly beat up on him.

So we have our new mini-van and we LOVE it, well I love it. Isn't that all that matters :-) However trying to figure out the arrangement for the carseats has been like working a puzzle. We're able to put all 3 of the carseats in the middle row, which I would LOVE since I could easily reach back and deal with kids. However we put Ethan in the middle and the twins just attack poor Ethan. One goes after the blanket, the other goes after the pacifier, then the bottle and then they pull at his clothes, his feet, and they then put their books/toys on him. 2 minutes and Ethan is a crying mess and the twins find it funny. So now Ethan has the middle row to himself (well unless Jon is with us) and the twins have the backseat. It's a little harder because I can't get to the twins as easily but Ethan needs me more.

We had a great moment the other night. Nathan and I were putting the twins to bed and I had put Ethan in Jakes crib while we got the twins dressed after their bath. I picked E up and Nate and I were saying goodnight to Jake and Jake leans over to Ethan and starts to pat his back. It was so sweet!

Aly is also saying Ethan, although I'm the only one that's heard her say it! For the life of me I can't get her to say it in front of Nate. She also sings along with Dora Backpack backpack--to Aly it's more like ba-ba ba-ba. It's too cute!

The Mothers of Multiple sale was this last weekend and boy were we busy! I did a lot of shopping and also worked the sale Saturday morning. I got some great deals and tons of new clothes! I also sold a bunch of clothes and equipment.. that felt good!

We're looking forward to Easter and spending the time with family. We still don't know if At&t will be striking but we heard rumors it might start Friday. I really hope not but I'll keep everyone posted.

Jon is out of school this week for Spring Break and of course it's been raining so he's been on his computer a lot and also helping me out. I really wish it was nicer out so I could send him outside.

Happy Easter everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 6 weeks!!!

    So glad you got your new van!

    Hope you guys have a great Easter :-)
