Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Last week of March...

Another week has past and I have so much to tell.

Nathan spent last Friday skiing with his dad, then spent the night there in Reno. Which left me with all of the munchkins! It went really well and they were prefect little angels for me Friday night. We even did baths which normally is Nate's job but we had played outside after lunch so they were filthy! They went to bed at a decent time which left just Ethan, Jon and I to hang out. Jon had a big report due on Monday so we spent a lot of time on that. Saturday morning Nate had to be home by 10am so we could go to the Mothers of Multiple (MoM) Spring Social. I knew I had to get all the kids dressed, fed and ready to go before Nate even got home so I went to check on the twins and Jake had taken off his pj bottoms and was playing the poop from his diaper!!! Jon came running in (after hearing me say gross gross gross, probably a million times!) and he almost hurled. It was EVERYWHERE!! So thanks to Jon I was able to throw Jake back in the tub while he entertained Aly.

I amazingly had everything ready when Nate got here and we had a great time at the Spring Social! It was at a park and the twins had a great time running around in the grass. Jon had a good time as well racing his scooter all over!

Sunday was another great day! Nathan's parents drove over from Reno and Nathan's brother Mason and his girlfriend Marcela flew up from So Cal. We basically just hung out, played outside a little and ate some yummy food. It was a nice family Sunday. Mason and Marcela were still here on Monday so we all went to the park to play and then out to lunch. It was great having an extra set of hands to help hold or chase a kid :-) Jake was his normal charming self but little miss Aly took to Uncle Mason. Not a really big surprise considering how much she likes guys. We loved having them here and look forward to visiting them down in Southern Ca soon!

So Nate and I have been in the market for a mini-van for quite awhile and after searching and searching we finally bought a brand new Honda Odyssey. Yes we still have the Suburban and yes we still have the Camero... But having both those paid off, we really needed something that didn't guzzle gas! And of course fit all of us, which is not an easy find these days! I'm extremely happy and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! Nate's still not ready to admit it's a mini-van but he's happy that I'm happy :-) And when you have 3 kids 13 months apart, how can you NOT have a mini-van?!?!

Aly had another gymnastics class this morning, she is so much fun to watch! She is just loving it! She's still the only one in this class but the coach just adores her and Aly adores Miss Britlynn. Aly does everything that coach puts her on and already knows how to tuck her head and do a front roll. I think I heard "She's a natural" almost a million times from everyone. It's fun to watch, that's for sure! Jake stayed home with daddy, once he starts to walk better we may try it again, but for now it's just an Aly and Jon thing. Hopefully I'll be able to get pictures, but it's a busy class!

Like I said it was a busy week! I may have to start posting twice a week just to keep up!

Oh Aly now has 3 teeth and a 4th coming through! And Jacob is walking a lot more!

Jon did great on his big report yesterday and is looking forward to seeing that Monster v. Alien movie this weekend with dad.

Things are always crazy around the Poehlman house! Enjoy the pictures!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad it went well with you and the kids while Nate was gone.
    Oh gross...I would have hurled LOL
    Yay for Spring Social!!!
    Woo hoo for teeth and walking!
    Way to go Jon!!!
