Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jake thinks it's fun to take off Aly's diaper!

Playing in the tub!

<-- Ethan on St. Patricks Day!

Alyssa in her new spring outfit!
Another week goes by and again so dsmuch has changed! Ethan is 3 weeks and 3 days and is getting big! He had his 3 week check-up today and weighed in at 8lbs 11oz. It was strange going into the doctors office by myself, normally I have Nate there to help! Ethan did catch the cold that we all had a couple weeks ago. Poor guy has a miserable cough and is so congested! The doctor did an oxygen check just to make sure that he was breathing okay, and he was. However we have to really keep an eye on him, it's still RSV season and it's really bad around here. She said that if he stays the same or gets better by Monday then we should be out of the woods.

Alyssa got her 2nd tooth this week!! She now has her 2 top teeth, and is so cute! Jake hasn't gotten any new teeth lately but I keep feeling for a molar--it's just a matter of time.

The twins will be 14 months on the 21st and I just don't know where the time went! I'm loving the spring weather and so are they! Jake is such an observer, and Aly is the doer! She is into everything while he would prefer to just take his time looking around at everything.

We got rid of the bath seats this week! They seem to love being able to move around the tub, and daddy's having a lot of fun trying to keep them sitting :-) We didn't do much for St. Patricks Day but I did dress them in green!

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Wow, three weeks already! Time sure does fly. Keeping fingers crossed that RSV stays far far away!!
    Great pictures :) Such adorable kids!!!

  2. Good job, keep up on your blog it is so fun to read :)
