Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Twins are 15 months old!!

Today the twins are 15 months old! They are keeping us super busy as usual.

Jacob has really taken to walking, he still looks like a little monster but oh so cute! He has been really fussy the past couple weeks and I had thought it was teeth but it has seemed to pass and no new teeth are to be seen, maybe a growth spurt? Anyways now that he's in a better mood hopefully I can get him talking a little bit more. Poor kid can't get a word in with Aly yapping away :-) We're working on "all done" at the moment and I if I sing it he can do it... He sure does love music! It's so funny we'll be in a store or a restaurant and Jake will just start rocking side to side... he hears the music! He's also so calm and mellow most of the time. He'd rather just sit outside and look around maybe playing with a piece of grass. He's such a sweet boy!

Alyssa is of course totally opposite! The girl can not sit still! She's basically running these days, and always towards trouble! She has no fear what-so-ever.. well maybe of some people but not of anything physical. She absolutely LOVES the big trampoline! We put in the big plastic balls and she jumps around and around with them forever. (Jake thinks it's some sort of torture device). She also has quite the vocab. We caught her saying yo-gabba-gabba yesterday, which happens to be her favorite show. She say's "Jakey" and "Ethan" all the time now, usually while hitting them in the head with both hands... She's been saying hi for quite sometime and waving hello as well but she just started saying bye and waving when someone leaves. She loves to say "done" and put her little hands up... She can also sign the word "more" and she signs the word "drink" but her sign of drink is sticking her finger up her nose (I'm not joking at all!) so we try to avoid that!

Both of them are doing great with Ethan. They still try to take everything he has and run away with it! At night when their going down I'll bring E over to their cribs to say goodnight and they'll pat him on the back.. sweet huh! Well if only it ended there... Aly then pats his head, a little harder then she should and then eventually pulls his hair. Jake is really sweet he'll pat him on the back and then go in for a kiss..well Jakes kisses turn into a bite usually and yes poor Ethan has already been bit, on the nose once too... oh Jake!

Jon is of course the great big brother and has a new chore of putting the twins in their car-seats when we're out and about! Talk about helping out, this is huge! He has STAR testing this week so no homework which makes him super happy. He has another big project due, he has to build a model of Earth, that should be fun. Thank goodness I have creative people as friends and family because I'd be in a lot of trouble, I'd probably just send him in with a globe.. hmm I wonder if that would work :-) He wanted to pick Neptune (because it was cold and blue) but that was already taken. He's such a good kid.

Ethan is doing great! He's getting so big! Not much new to report :-) He does turn 2 months in 2 days. He has his check-up next week and hopefully I'll have a couple more pictures of him by then and will definitely post about it.

I turned 30 on Sunday... It was a good day. I'm not really a fan of my birthday but Nate and the kids always make it special. I do get treated like royalty and that's really nice. Nate bbq'd a wonderful dinner as well!

I'm so blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 15 months. Love the cozy coupes!!!
