Wednesday, November 4, 2009

sick, sick, sick, sick

We have been bit by the sick bug... And we were bit HARD!! It all started 9 days ago--It was a Monday and the Sunday before we had gone to Reno, so I actually just thought the kids were a little off from the busy day. Well apparently not. Jake ran a moderate fever that day and was fussy but I couldn't tell anything was really wrong. Ethan on the other hand started refusing his bottles at about 4pm that afternoon. By 8am the next day I knew something was wrong... Oh and that night Nathan also started feeling bad. So Monday night I got maybe 2 hours of sleep and that was not consecutively! Ethan was up almost the whole night and finally at 5am I got the bright idea to stick him in the jumparoo, yep it worked he crashed out till 7am! I ended up calling the doc because I could not get Ethan to eat! I kept Jon home from school because she mentioned the flu shots were in. So off we went to the doctor at 11am or so. Nathan SLEPT in the car (poor guy!!) I took in Jake and Ethan and Jon waited int he car with Aly. She couldn't find anything wrong with either of them but we all got our flu shots and went on our way. Sounds like a quick trip huh, HA we got home at 1p. I was finally able to get Ethan to eat a little and seemed to be doing better that evening.
If only it had ended there... Thur Jake wakes up and has this HORRIBLE sound coming out of him.. It sounds like a seal and once you've heard it you know what it is. Jon had it a couple years back and it sucks. It's croup. If you dno't know what croup is it's kind of like bronchitis in kids but it usually only happens in kids under 3 because their lungs are so small. And they get blocked easily and have a lot of trouble breathing. Well Jake had it but Nate was at work so there wasn't much I could do. Poor guy seemed to feel well but just sounded awful. I had Nate stay home on Friday so we could take him in, by this time Nate and I both have the sore throat and are congested. So Friday I take Jake in and they give him a steroid to help open his lungs. It seems to help. Saturday was soccer day and Halloween!!! I knew it was too cold for the kids to be out for the soccer game and as the day progressed I realized that Ethan too had Croup... UGH!! So Nate took Jon over to Megs to celebrate Halloween and do some trick or treating. Jon was a skeleton :-)

I stayed home with the kids so I could keep them on schedule and keep them indoors. Ethan ended up getting worse as the night went on so he slept with me. I couldn't risk him not being able to breath in the night. Not to mention keeping up Jake and Aly when both of them weren't feeling well. So Nate slept on the couch and Ethan slept on my chest. Again another night of very little sleep for me. Sunday was another tough day with Ethan and his croup, Jake on the end of his croup and Nate and I feeling like crap. So Monday morning rolls around and Jon is complaining of a sore throat... RIIIIGGGHHTTTT!! I of course think he just wants to stay home from school and tell him he'll be fine and make his lunch. I walk down the stairs just in time to see him throw up all over my kitchen floor...ugh! So poor Jon was sick too. He stayed home but didn't seem to have any symptoms and didn't throw up again. I had Nate work from home on Tuesday in case I needed Jon to go to the doctor--oh yeah at 8pm Monday night I found Jon sound asleep on the recliner, with a 103 degree fever... Jon turned out to be fine on Tuesday but still with a sore throat so I kept him home. During breakfast Aly started--yep she now had croup. Poor baby!!!
So as of today which is Wednesday... Jake--still has a nasty wet cough but is in great spirits and had the best bed-head hair this morning!!

Aly is still in the middle of her croup and is okay as long as she doesn't get upset. Poor thing can't catch her breath when she starts to cry, But this should be the last day of it!
Jon went to school today with some throat suppressants, he does still have a little sore throat but has gone 36 hours without a fever and seemed perfectly fine this morning.
Nate is 2 days ahead of me with this head cold thing we have and he seems to be feeling a lot better, I feel horrible at night but am okay so far today. I can't breath very well, but hey at least the headache and earache are gone :-) I do have a tickle in my throat that is DRIVING ME BATTY!!
Ethan is doing good, he also has the really wet nasty cough but is taking his bottles like a pro, solids is a whole other story!

So that's us... I'm hoping that this weekend we can actually get out of the house and into the fresh air. I'm so tired of being trapped in the house and actually considered running away from home earlier this week.

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