Monday, November 23, 2009

Family fun!

Talk about a busy couple weeks! This is going to seem like a crazy blog but I don't want to forget anything and make sure I get in a few pictures, because I know how much you love the pictures!

On fb someone got the idea to write one thing a day that you're thankful for. So I've been doing that. All I can say is that I'm truly blessed. We have so very much to be thankful for and it's nice to be able to think about that this time of year.

Nate took a couple days off last week and we were able to get out and about. We went to the SF Zoo and it was sooo much fun! The kids did so good and the twins were able to run around (on leashes) and wear themselves out! Even the rides there and back were wonderful. I am so excited for the years to come as they get older and things get a bit easier. But here are some fun pictures.

Nate did have to work Monday and Wed so I took that opportunity to do some crafts with the kids. They love to color and do it often but we decided to try finger paints! So here are some pictures. Jake was a having a bad day but finally tried it and Aly had fun. Jon also joined us which was awesome!

And last weekend I had my family over for dinner. We had a Chinese food night and it was SOO SOO GOOD!! It was also a lot of fun, I love living close enough to family that we're able to get together like this. The kids had a great time and this was a mostly indoor event and it still went well :-) Here are some pictures...

Jake and Aly at the table, Meg with Ethan and Aly, Jake and cousin Roan eating yummy food! How did I not get a picture of Kaylin?!?!

On Friday I had Jon's Parent Teacher Conference. I know I've said it but it's worth saying again. I LOVE his teacher! So apparently when he was sick he missed a couple of the tests that helped show me how he was doing, so she sent us home with us to do over the vacation (Jon was REALLY happy about that hahaha!) But we did go over his report card and it was good. He's for sure a b student but I'm very happy with that! We then moved on to his personality... yes he's got QUITE the personality! I laughed so hard while I was there, she was telling me about having to take away his pencil sharpener, he kept tapping on it.. quietly but still very annoying. And moving his desk so he didn't have anything to distract him, yes that's Jon. I in all seriousness asked if he was really bad or a disruption and she laughed and said NEVER, she LOVED him! But he's the Jokester. Not the loud clown of the class but definitely the jokester. She actually gave me homework :-) She sent me home with a book they read in class called Findle and it's about a boy with a strict English teacher. Jon's teacher said that the whole time they read the book she thought--oh lord Jon is getting ideas :-) The kid even makes up his own words, just like Jon! Too funny! So yea I have the jokester. Can I just say right here, right now, that I'm so thankful to have a funny kid!! He cracks me up all the time and is such a cool kid! Even if he does drive us crazy most of the time, get in trouble for not speaking ENGLISH, and teaches the little ones bad things.

Today is Monday and Thursday is Thanksgiving, YaY!! I can't wait! I can't wait to COOK! This is the first Thanksgiving in TWO years that I'm not pregnant, thank god! Nate had to work today but will be home till next Monday. Tomorrow we're doing all of our shopping and hopefully getting Jakes hair cut. Wed, I'm going to start getting ready for Thursday and Jake has his therapy (which is going really well). Thursday we will be at LaLa's eating yummy food and enjoying the company of family. I grew up going to Aunt Linda's and loved playing games and hanging out with my cousins. I'm so very thankful that we live so close and our kids will grow up playing together on Thanksgiving at Aunt Lindas. Friday I will be with all the crazies, and Barb to go SHOPPING!! I'm SOOO excited!! It is seriously one of my very very favorite days of the year!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

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