Monday, June 1, 2009

Jonathan is 9 years old

Jon at 1 day old (with my mom) and then at 4 months old.

I'm going to go back in time 9 years....

Talk about surprises! Jon was a huge one! I had no idea I was pregnant, so I went to the doctor and sure enough I was pregnant. I told my mom it was gas and went home :-) I had to figure out what I wanted before I told anyone. Fast forward 7 months or so and Nathan and I were living with my mom. I was extremely over-due and so I had an appointment to be induced on Tuesday May 30th. Of course Jon had to make his entrance on his own time so my water broke at 5am Sunday May 28th. I immediately went to the hospital and was put on pitocin and induced for close to 12 hours.... I was FINALLY given an epidural around 7pm that night and sometime around 4am I got the go ahead to start pushing. I did for almost 2 hours (after the epidural had worn off) and was told that Jon's head was kind of stuck. So c-section it was! He was born a little bit before 6am on Memorial Day May 29th and was 7lbs 15oz. He was perfect and absolutely adorable!

Jon is a cool kid. A very quirky thing about Jon is the names he gives things and people. He has done this since he was VERY young and as I look back I think he did this from the very beginning. He's always had his own vocab. My best friend (also a pre-school teacher) informs me that this is "not" normal kid behavior :-) Yeah I could have guessed Jon wasn't normal! So if you hear Jon calling for Mr. Oaks or Marge--that's Nate and I. Aly is Little pickle and Ethan is double E. He calls the babies -- bears. He doesn't do it to be funny or to get attention, this is just his way. I absolutely adore him. Yes he drives me crazy and yes I can get VERY upset with him, but he is my Jon and will always hold a special place in my heart as the big brother and the only child for 7 years.

So for his birthday he wanted a sparks scooter--it's a scooter that when you stop it gives off a couple little sparks. He also wanted a Star Wars computer game. He loved his gifts and it was a lot of fun torturing him. We gave him his gifts first thing in the morning (a pair of shorts and a new tube for his bike)... after we got the twins down for their first nap we gave him the good stuff. He was thrilled! He's been riding his bike and scooter all weekend.

I'm also going to post some pictures of a frog that Jon was playing with and also the twins got to hold their first frog. I HATE frogs.. but am realizing that I'm getting much better.

We're all loving the summer weather and the kids love hanging out outside. We're looking forward to a very busy week ahead. Nathan has a dentist appointment tomorrow-- I really hope it goes better then mine last week, I'm still in pain--ouch! Ethan's eye exam was moved to Thursday so we'll be there really early! I'm so thankful we were able to get him in earlier and I'm anxious to hear whats wrong. And then Sunday Jon and I are going to see the play Lion King with my best friend and her kids. That should be a lot of fun!!
Jake and his walker... It took him at least 30 minutes to get that far!

I couldn't forget sweet Aly!

Sorry no new pics of E this week! I'll make sure I get a couple good ones for next week!

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