Monday, August 24, 2009

Restaurant Reviews, a wonderful visit and E.

A few weekends back Nathan's parents came to visit with a couple of Nate's Aunts. His Aunt Tina and Aunt Laurie, it was a wonderful visit!!! I am so glad that they were able to come to us, it gave us more time to visit. They brought wonderful gifts that all the kids loved! Thank you so much for your visit and we can't wait to meet up again soon!

A couple months ago Nate and I started having "date nights". Well we've been switching off who picks the restaurant and what we do. So I've decided to kind of do a restaurant review blog each time we go out.

I think the first pick was Nate's. It was a Mexican Restaurant named Eva's, in downtown Roseville. We read the reviews and it sounded good. The best part of all of our endeavors on date night is that we're able to go basically anywhere we want because we're not dragging along 4 kids, 3 of which need a highchair. So it was this little place that looked just like the authentic Mexican restaurants back in San Jose that I miss so much. However it was dead! There was one other couple when we walked in but by the time we were leaving there was maybe 4 other couples. It didn't start out good, the chips were really stale... I don't know about you but when you go to an Italian rest. you expect great bread sticks, with Mexican you expect great chips... Not a good start. It did get better though, they had this "sauce" that was in a little squeeze container and was DELICIOUS!!! One of the reviews on Yelp said that they could just squeeze it into their mouths, I actually totally agreed, super yum! Nate loved it too! So we did get another batch of chips and they were better but still just okay. I order the fajitas, which is no surprise for anyone that knows me. They were VERY good! The best I've ever had a restaurant. They were very much like my mom's, I was extremely impressed. I honestly can't remember what Nate had but it was no where near as good as mine. The other thing was the beans, they were obviously made there and SUPER good! They prices were good and we would definitely recommend it. Eva's Mexican Restaurant

The next place we went to was my pick and it waa place my cleaning lady had told me about. It was a steakhouse in Elk Grove. Yes it was a bit of a drive but well worth it! There was a wait but we spent that time at the bar. Apparently they are known for their very large Margarita's but I don't drink tequila so I asked what was good. I got this cactus drink thing and boy was it strong! So like the Mexican restaurant what they give you for "free" in the beginning is a big thing in my book. Well they first gave us a bag of peanuts, shells and all. You were told to throw the shells on the ground--oh yeah! It was a lot of fun and totally felt rebellious doing it. But then they gave us these HOT rolls, right out of the oven with this cinnamon butter... Oh. My. Gosh. the best!!!! I think I ate a whole basket at the bar! We then got seated and ordered the blooming onion thing, it was good and the batter on them was so much better then the Outback one! I ordered the NY steak for dinner and it was okay. I can't say it was the best but it was good. I expect a steakhouse to have GREAT steaks, so it just being okay didn't float my boat. We didn't get dessert but it sure was a fun experience. Texas Roadhouse

So last but not least :-) This last weekend we went out again. It was Nate's pick but we ended up going out to eat later then we had planned. The place we were originally going to go to, was referred to me by our photographer. However when we got there at a little after 8pm on Saturday, they were closed. Apparently they didn't have enough business and closed early, how sad. It was in a great area with a couple new restaurants around them so we were surprised to hear that. Anyways I had gotten the directions of the other place Nate had mentioned so we went there. Nate wanted authentic Italian, a mom and pops type place. The Taste of Tuscany was just that but also a pizza shop and I don't think that was what Nate wanted. When we walked in there was a group of people in the middle of the place and it turned out they were the family of the owners and just sitting around hanging out. I thought that was cool. Nothing free here so we ordered :-) I got a house salad and bread sticks and Nate got a pasta dish with sausage and tomatoes. It was all very good!! The waitress was AWESOME and very very nice! The bread sticks were to die for!! The best I've had. So good that the next morning Jon saw them had a bite and FLIPPED out! "where did you go" he yelled over and over again.. haha. They were very yummy and super cheesy. I would definitely go back! Oh they were out of Diet Pepsi so I do have to ding them for that... oh well :-) Taste of Tuscany

So there you have it.. I'll bet you can't wait for our next date night, I know I can't! I just can't thank our sitter Summer enough. She has been such a blessing to us, and really allowed us these precious nights. I know my kids are in very loving capable hands.

Ethan is now 6 months old!! Here are a couple of pictures I took of him this last week.

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