Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A 4th grader and a new tooth....

This is how Jake eats his puffs :-)

Yesterday Jake had his hearing test, he passed with flying colors! My friend Barb watched all the other kids and it was so very strange to only have one kid with us. The rides in the car were so quiet and pushing a single stroller is just odd. I think Jake enjoyed his alone time.. he kept running up and down the hall at the doctors waving his arms and just smiling away. Barb said Aly was extremely cuddly and enjoyed her alone time as well. It's so strange, I don't think they've been away from each other for 3 hours before.

Jon on his first day of 4th grade.

Jonathan started school today. 4th grade. wow. He has the same teacher and all the same kids except for a couple more. It's even the same room! I happen to love that it happened this way and absolutely adore his teacher. I don't look forward to building a mission this year but that's why I have creative family I guess.

Nate taking Jon to the bus stop.

Ethan has his 2nd eye appointment with the pediatric Opthamologist on Friday. Not expecting much, it's just a check-up. I'm hoping he'll be in a good mood at least. We'll have the twins with us and that of course will make it an adventure!

The kids are loving playing outside and enjoying all the toys. Aly has mastered the slide! She can climb up it and slide down all by herself. Jake loves the sandbox but even more the sprinkler. The kid can not go outside without getting soaking wet. They both have a ton of new words and are so much fun to be around. Aly started signing ball ( I had to look up the sign) and now says "ba ba baaaa" at the top of her lungs when ever she sees Jon's soccer ball. It's awfully cute! Jake said no the other night, which was adorable... but am pretty confident it will lose it's luster. Aly has a new word that I could really do without.. spider. yep, spider. We do the Itsy bitsy spider song all the time and the only word she's pulled from it is "spider". She'll put her hands up to make the signs for the song and say spiiii eeeerrrr. They also LOVE the "wheels on the bus" song and all the movements that go with it.

Ethan is growing and growing and is just the loviest boy. He has the best smile! He's rolling like crazy and starting to enjoy the tummy time a bit more, which is nice. He's enjoying the jumper thingy.

Our lab Tim with his very favorite toy.

Ethan at 5.5 months

Jon's loving soccer. I haven't been to a practice yet since I've been the one watching all the other kids. Oh well. Nathan really wants me to go, but yet when I tell him all that needs to be done with the kids while I'm gone, he gracefully offers to take Jon. Once it cools down a bit we'll take the little ones too but for now it's just way too hot to chase two crazy toddlers from one end of the soccer field to the other, because we all know they won't run in the same direction.

So little miss Aly has another tooth! She has her two top teeth (which came in first) and her two bottom teeth and I've been waiting for the little ones that go on the sides of those, I think they're called incisors... and nothing. However I was checking Jake for new teeth.. He has 6 on top and just got his 6th tooth on the bottom, and Aly wanted me to check hers. So I reached in and sure enough on the top right a molar is coming in. what?! That explains her mood lately but geesh I guess I can't just guess where she's going to get a tooth I have to go searching.

Have a great week everyone!

Aly in her first pair of flip flops!

--> Aly with Makenzie who put together her outfit!

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