Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tales of Jon

Jon is just funny. I have no idea what he's going to be when he grows up (if he ever grows up) but it has to be something good.
His imagination is so unique and very cool. I wish he liked writing because he would make a great storyteller! I'm not sure if I've already done this but these are the names he's come up with for us.
Nathan: pops, Mr. Oaks
Me: Marge
Aly: miss tufsy (when she was an infant), Little pickle
Jake: Jakie the snaky, Jakester
twins: bears, this is what he's always called the babies. He'll often say "where are the bears"...
He also has names for the animals but I can't think of what they are right now.
A funny that happened a couple days ago.
Let me set the scene a bit... Most of my days are now FULL of playing with either two crazy, teething toddlers or trying to keep Ethan happy. So when Jon got home from school the other day, I was exhausted! I was also on my last nerve and really needed some computer time. I had helped Jon finish his homework and he asked if he could watch tv (which happens to be right next to my computer) I said yes I didn't care... So I'm sitting at the computer eating apple slices (the first thing I'd eaten all day long) and Jon starts saying mom. There was about 5 second pause in between each "mom".... Well and technically he didn't start off saying "mom"... He calls me Marge sometimes and he started with that, "Marge, Marge, Marge, Marge, Marge" Then moved on to "Mo" , don't forget about the 5 second pause in between. "mo, mo, mo, mo, mo, mo" Then it went into "mom" "mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mommmm, mommmm, mommmm, mooooooom, moooooom.." I finally turn around and say "WHAT??!!" Yes it was a bit of a scream and he responds with a bit of a scare because this whole time he's watching tv and so I startle HIM! He then says "never mind", what? So I tell him he better tell me what he wanted to tell me or else he was going to be in trouble and he says "hi"... Yes that's what he wanted to tell me, "HI"... I thought to myself, only Jon. But THEN!! I was watching tv with Nate this weekend and a commercial came on for Family Guy ( I do not watch this show, however the boys do) and it's that little baby Stewie doing the same damn thing to his mom, her ignoring him and then him saying "hi" when she finally answers him. OMG, I'm living that life. So I'm sitting next to Nate laughing hysterically, not sure if it's because Jon copied this off of the show (which he swears he didn't, but we'll never know) or because I ignored him for so long that he had the chance to do it. Either way I got a great laugh out of it and had a heck of a time explaining it to Nate.
Jon's doing really well in school. I love that he's happy and that we both just love his teacher. I also love that Jon can be himself with her and the class. I remember 2nd grade and he never did open up. His teacher said that he was shy around her and that he was very secretive... yeah he was scare of her, heck so was I! I saw her on Back to school night, and I had just walked out of his new class and walked right by her. I think she wanted to say something to me but I just did a quick smile and kept walking... I honestly have nothing nice to say about her, nothing.
So while we're on the topic of Jon I want to just share a story that most of you may have heard but I just love it and want to make sure it gets into my blog somehow :-)
It was towards the end of 1st grade and it started on a Sunday night. Jon was told to take a shower and then he had to go to bed. So he came in to give me a kiss after his shower and his hair was spiked (odd for Jon) and I said, what are you doing with your hair, and he said that he liked it that way... uh okay. The next morning was Nate's morning, so I had made him a bowl of cereal and set it on the table and put his clothes next to it. Nate did the rest while I hopped in the shower, by the time I got out they were already on their way to the bus. Fast forward to that afternoon when I went to pick Jon up from the bus. He stepped off the bus and I immediately saw it. There was a patch of hair missing. It was very straight and looked like it had been cut, it was about an inch long of bangs missing. This is how the conversation went:
Me: What happened to your hair?
Jon: huh?
Me: what happened to your hair?? (as I'm running my fingers through it)
Jon: oh it got caught in the water faucet at school and the yard duty cut it off.
Me: how did it get stuck in the water faucet? Where in the faucet? Why did she have to cut it off when it's only like an inch long anyways???
Jon: It got stuck in the drain part while I was drinking. ( he then shows me how it happened)
Me: So the yard duty had scissors in her pocket and just cut it off?
Jon: yeah
Me: Do you have a note or anything saying what happened?
Jon: nope
Me: why not? Did they try to get it out? I still don't understand how it got stuck?!
Jon: Mom it just got stuck and she cut it out.
At this point I'm totally dumbfounded... So I call Nate and run it by him. He's asking all the same questions as I'm asking and I still don't quite get it. Why would they not have told me, why would they have cut it, how in the world would it have gotten stuck.
So I then sit down at the table and start writing out a note to his teacher to ask what happened. Jon comes in and says.
Jon: what are you doing?
Me: writing a note to Mrs Kraft to find out what happened and why I didn't get notified.
Jon: Mom, I have something to tell you. (serious as can be!)
Me: what?
Jon: well it didn't happen at school.
And then the light bulb goes off! And I say
Me: it happened last night huh?
Jon: yep
So it turned out Jon had only spiked his hair to hide the fact that he cut it! I couldn't help but laugh, poor Jon thought he was in trouble. Which he ended up being grounded for a couple days for lying, not for cutting his hair. It amazed me that he could so easily tell this story and he was so good at it. I knew at that point that I was in some serious trouble. I have caught him in some big stories, but this was the last time that I really fell for it. I'm now much more aware of his abilities!
As I sat and typed that the only thing I could think of was how much Jon has grown up and how I'm so thankful that I have him to help ease the blow of all the troubles the twins will bring. Good Lord I can only imagine the trouble those two can get into.

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