Monday, September 21, 2009

Deaths in 3's...

I'm one of those that thinks death comes in 3's. I'm not exactly sure why but I was so sad to hear of Patrick Swayze's death. I knew he was sick and saw his thing with Barbara Walters last year but it still was a shock to me.
Then on Sunday I read a status post on facebook from an old High School friend, it read "RIP Robby"... I'm not sure how I knew but I did. I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach and just waited patiently to hear, Robby who? It was answered by another hs friend that posted... Yep it was him. It amazes me how something that was so HUGE to me 14-15 years ago can just come flooding back after being totally buried for years!! I've spent the last 24 hours thinking about him and remembering the times we had. We were friends first, he was friends with a close friend of mine and he was there when my heart was demolished by my first love. I don't remember a lot, but I think I remember the important things. He was a part of so many firsts for me, some that may not have been the best ideas at the time but they are all part of my childhood that make me the woman I am today. We went our separate ways, and I was very much to blame for everything that happened between us. As I sit and type this I can't help but think of my kids, who they are going to be friends with, what my mom was thinking during all this.
My random thoughts on Robby.
He had beautiful eyes, but his hugs were the best.
He taught me how to drive, in his moms mini-van.
He tackled me all the time! In many random places... Parking lots usually.
We wrote letters to each other during school... I may even still have some in a box somewhere.
He bought me a cat that we named Tyler--the devils cat :-)
We laughed... a lot. to the point of tears, many times.
He used to come over in the morning and make me breakfast.
He drove everyone, everywhere...
He introduced me to GOOD music!!! I think this is one of the very best things that came out of our friendship. I'll never forget getting lost trying to get to someones house, and we just drove around and around listening to Weezer, on tape.
The many many clambakes... ;-)

I am so sorry that you were taken way too soon from your family. I heard you were just married. My heart goes out to your family and (in no doubt) your beautiful wife. RIP Robby, I will forever remember you as you were one of those that helped make me a better person. I can only imagine how many lives you touched.
Robby and I after our first double date... I always wondered why my mom kept all these pictures... I guess now I know.

As for the 3rd death.. I'd like to think it was my pump, wishful thinking I'm sure.

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