Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Last week

I am so glad that last week is over! I've been meaning to write this post for a couple days but my mind just wants to forget.

Dentist-Let me start by saying that I am a HUGE baby when it comes to pain. I had braces as a kid but up until a couple weeks ago never had a cavity. I guess it was my time. I have one really bad tooth, not sure if it will need a root canal but geez why is it that you go to the dentist with no pain and leave hurting. Is it REALLY necessary? Okay it is but still, OUCH! I was suffering all last week with pain from a temp crown they had put in. They redid it Friday (the cement work was sloppy) and am having pain again today.. UGH!

Thursday June 4th... It started early! We had to get Ethan to his eye doctor by 8:30am. It's a 40 minute drive and getting 4 kids ready for that is quite a task. We then forgot the double stroller so had to go back 10 minutes into the trip. We would have made it but then got lost, thanks mapquest. I tried to call but got the machine since they weren't opening till 9a (they were squeezing us in). We ended up only being about 10 minutes late, but I hate being late so I felt really bad!

We got right in and they immediately saw the Nystagmus (the moving of the eye). I love his doctor, I saw her a couple years ago. They then dialated his eyes and checked his optic nerve. Everything looked great... except it had no pigmentation. Ocular Albinism is the diagnosis. Same thing that I have. I was in the room with just E since Nate was with all the little ones but I was devastated. I knew it could happen but it was such a slap in the face. There is nothing worse then "mothers guilt", and boy do I have it. None of my other kids have it, thank god! We don't know what this means for E yet. It will take some time for us to see just how bad or good his vision is.

Ethan was great during the appointment and so were the twins and Jon for that matter! I ended up having to go straight home since my tooth was KILLING me!

Turns out I had some cement pressing into my gum and the only thing that helped was cold stuff. So I sent Nate to the store that afternoon to get me some ice-cream and the kids some juice. Well he left and not 5 minutes later I hear a HUGE gush of water. I actually thought it was the washing machine until Jon came running in and said he hit the hose thing. Sure enough, he ran his bike right into the water fixture and knocked off one of the spouts and it looked like a huge waterfall, going right into Nate's beautiful garden!! Did I mention I was taking vicoden and lots of it?! I found the main water thing and turned it off. There was still a nice stream of water coming out so I had Jon get a bucket to make sure no more water went into Nate's plants. I wish I could have taken a picture of Nate's face when he drove up and saw us standing out there. It took Nate 2 trips to the local plumbing place and 2 hours worth of work to fix it. Of course this had to be during the Lakers game--oops! He did fix it and at about 8pm my tooth stopped hurting. It was a LONG day!!

Saturday we met Nate's parents in Auburn (about an hour drive) for a late lunch. We met at a park and it was a lot of fun! The kids LOVE to explore, well at least Aly does. Jake tends to stick to one thing, this time it was Jon's scooter. The weather was beautiful! We then went to Chevy's to eat, it was GOOD! I miss having a Chevy's nearby! Ethan had a hard time but it was nice being able to take turns holding him.

Jon and I before Lion King

Sunday Jonathan and I went and saw Lion King with my best friend Barb and her 2 kids. It was AWESOME! The creativity that goes into it is amazing!

We then went to Jon's favorite restaurant for lunch, Islands. It was a LOT of fun!

Michael and Barb at lunch :-)

That was my week... phew! This week has not been so bad :-)

So we got our pictures back from the photographer! It was so much fun to do these and LOVE how they came out!! Take a look for yourself!! The password is brigette. It won't be viewable forever so get your sneak peek now!

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