Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Reno fun!

I absolutely LOVE my husband. I think that one of the reasons that Nate and I have lasted so long is because he is my best friend. We have so much fun just the two of us and I really enjoy the time we share together. With so many little ones it's very hard to find time for just the two of us but this last weekend, thanks to our wonderful family and friends we were able to spend a WHOLE day together and 2 nights with OUT babies!!

Friday started with my (other) best friend, Barbara coming over.. She stayed at our house and watched Ethan and Jon. She was so nice to offer and because she stayed at our house I didn't have to worry about boarding the dogs.

Nate and I then drove to Reno with the twins, grandma and grandpa P were watching them. Poor Jake had a heck of a time with his ears going over the pass but the ride home was MUCH MUCH worse! This is definitely something I'll be talking to the Audiologist about next month. We made it in record time (very little traffic) and the twins immediately took off running and roaming at G & G's house! I'm not even sure they noticed that we left!!

We stayed at the El Dorado because I like being close to other hotels. We were starved by the time we got our room and I finished pumping so we went to the Seafood buffet in the hotel. It was good. Nate really liked it! I've had better but I'm also not as into seafood as Nathan is! It was so nice to just sit and take our time eating. I think we were there for well over and hour and it was WONDERFUL!! Nate then had to run back to the room so he didn't miss his 2 hour Prison Break :-) While I checked out the tables and did some gambling.

Saturday we spent the morning relaxing and then headed over the mall to do some shopping. It was so nice to walk around and just window shop. Well of course I had to buy a couple goodies for the kids.

Dinner Saturday night was AWESOME!! We went to La Strada an Italian restaurant in our hotel and it definitely lived up to it's hype! Nate got the lobster spaghetti-- chef's special. And I got the Swordfish Mediterranean style... YUM!!!

Nate's dinner...

We then decided that we had to play some games... Of course Circus Circus was right next door so we headed over to battle. Yes battle... Air Hockey was the game and the first one went to Nate. The 2nd game was all mine -- well at first, I then lost. I still can't believe I lost! Oh well it was fun. We also did some racing and bowling.

Sunday we picked up the kids from G&G's and had some good breakfast, packed up and headed out.

When we got home Jon and Barb's kids were all playing out in the sprinklers since it was SUPER hot!! It was nice to be home but I could really use a longer break next time :-)

I couldn't have had such a great relaxing time if it wasn't for Nate's parents and Barb. Knowing my kids were in such great hands made it so easy for me to have fun and not worry.

Yesterday was going to be a normal stay home day but my cousin Meg called and they were headed to the pool... She invited us and we took them up on it! It was SOOO much fun! Aly was my little fish, she had so much fun swimming around! Jake fussed--typical Jake! But he had fun towards the end.

Aly asleep in the pool!

I still have bags to unpack and so much laundry to do and things to catch up on but it was oh so worth it!

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