Thursday, January 28, 2010

A weekend of celebrations!

Wow can you believe that my twins are two? Cause I sure can't! Where did my two little preemie's go? Well it's true they have turned two and what a wonderful age it is. They are in to EVERYTHING, and they are on top of everything. The energy they have is enormous but their personalities are shining through. I am so incredibly blessed to be their mom.

This last weekend was so much fun! On Saturday we celebrated the twins 2nd birthday with family and friends. They were spoiled rotten with toys and the playroom is filled to capacity. I don't think there is a single toy that they haven't played with already. They still weren't a big fan of the cake and that may be my fault since they haven't had any cake since they turned one. Even though we practiced blowing out the candles neither of them were willing to do it so their awesome cousin Kaylin did the honors. They had a blast and so did I!

Sunday was another blessed day. Our little E was baptized. It was after the 10am mass and we decided to try and go to church with all the kids. Thank goodness we had help because it was pure chaos. Between Jake trying to escape and Alyssa dancing in the pew and waving to the people behind us (4 rows behind us) and Ethan deciding he was hungry it was nuts. At the end you could see they were winding down and Jacob almost fell asleep on the floor. After mass we had the baptism and it went farely quick, however I wasn't the one chasing Jake or Aly around so I'm sure it went very slow for grandpa and Makenzie :-) We then went out to Casa Ramos for lunch and it was delish! It was so nice to sit and talk and all the kids were very well behaved. It was a good day.

In the next couple weeks Ethan turns 1, wow. He is doing so much and just started cruising along furniture. He's also doing well with the sippy cup and that's such a wonderful thing! We can NOT wait to be off bottles completely!

Ethan at 11 months!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentines day!