Monday, October 26, 2009

Pumpkins and crazy toddlers!

It's happening, that special time of year. When I want to bake, lay with Nate on the couch in front of the fire watching his stupid sports. It's not quite there yet, but I can feel it coming!

So this last week was a lot of fun! On Friday we spent the day at the Pumpkin Patch. I think the twins and I had the most fun. They were able to run! And I mean RUN everywhere. They are finally learning they're names and the word "no". I guess I should clarify that they know these words but are finally acting like they can HEAR them. They first played at the playground, and then we went and played on the bales of hay. I swear Aly is going to give me a heart attack, that girl has no fear. I had to catch her as she rolled off the bales. We then spent some time looking at the pond. Yes that took literally 20 minutes. But I got some good pictures of Jon :-) We then went to the petting zoo but considering there was only 2 adults to 4 kids, I wasn't brave enough to send Nate in with the twin-ado's... So they fed them from the outside and Jon went in. It was fun to see them with the animals though. We then just let them run around and play with the pumpkins. They had a great time and were very tired on the way home.

Saturday started with Jon's soccer game... They lost, again. But Jon ROCKS!!! He is so much fun to watch!! Then Nathan and I had DATE NIGHT!! It's been a long time since we had a date night just the two of us. I missed having him to myself and had a great time just being with him. I know I sound all gushy and stuff but I just LOVE him! I have so much fun with him and it amazes me that after almost 10 years of marriage we still have so much to talk about. So it was his turn to pick a Restaurant and so we went to a Japanese/Sushi Buffet. I can not remember the name or I would post a link but it was okay. Nate liked it. They had a lot of sushi and some Japanese foods but I stuck to the green bean tempura... I did try some sushi, ick. We then did all of our grocery shopping, fun stuff for date night huh :-) It was nice being able to go through the aisles as fast or slow as we wanted and only having one cart, that was nice too.

Sunday we spent the day in Reno at my in-laws. Some of Nate's Aunts and Uncles were visiting and we were happy to make the trip up to visit. It was wonderful seeing them and all-in-all the kids were great! It's always a bit hard going to a place that doesn't normally have kids in it and my two can baby-proof a house for you, really fast! But they did good and we didn't have any major meltdowns. That was huge since they all went off of no naps the entire day. I spent the drive home squished between the twins in the backseat. They were very fussy and drove me crazy throwing things and getting mad. It will be awhile before we take another car trip. But it was a lot of fun seeing family and can't wait to see them again. I didn't get any pictures :-(

My random thoughts of the day:

~I can't handle Family Guy late at night, the whining just makes me want to throw something at the tv.

~ I no longer have to check the expiration dates on milk..

~ Now that Jon is making his own lunch we go through a lot of peanut butter... I hate this, I like to have my super crunchy peanut butter to myself, not with jam mixed in.. ick.

~ I don't like sushi--I just don't. Don't tell me that there is this one kind I will like, cause I don't. Get over it, I just don't like sushi-period.

~ I thought that the "why" "where" questions ended at 6 years old... Apparently they don't, my 9 year old is FULL of them...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Vegas baby!

As I sit here I have mounds, and I honestly mean MOUNDS of clothes ALL over my living room. Getting everything tagged and ready for the Mothers of Multiples Clothing and Equipment sale on Saturday. I have to drop everything off on Friday and I'll be LUCKY if I have half of it done. Yes I procrastinated (don't roll your eyes, nobody's shocked!) but I really wanted to wait till I got home from Vegas.

Oh yes, Vegas :-) Let me just say that I have the best husband on earth. He didn't "let" me go (I'm pretty sick of hearing that btw) but he did encourage it. I had so much to do in order to go on this trip. I had to organize all the clothes for all the kids for all the days I was gone... Each set of clothes had an orange post-it so Nate knew who wore what. I also had to list all of the meals for all the kids. There were orange post-its all over the pantry, marking the days and Ethans food. There were also orange post-its all over the fridge, telling Nate what was inside the fridge for him to feed. I then had a piece of paper for each day that had specific instructions on routine... nap time for the twins, nap times for Ethan and Jon's homework info. Also when to change out the sippy cups, Ethans bottles and when to have Jon take a shower.

Now you may think that I was a bit OCD for doing all of this but it wasn't me... I of course did it all but it was Nate who wanted it. Every time I went to tell him something he asked if I wrote it down :-) So I did! My sweet husband who is so incredibly smart but lacks in the common sense department...

I did manage to remember to pack myself (at the last minute) and it was really weird packing for just me. I actually had room for shoes and lotions... yay! So Sunday afternoon I got on the plane to go to Las Vegas to meet up with some of my very favorite people. As some of you may know I have Nystagmus, it's what makes my eyes wiggle. Well there is actually a bi-yearly conference for those with Nystagmus and many years ago I met Laura and along the way, Drew, Heather, Joe, and Scott. Some of us couldn't make it to the conference this year so we decided to make a trip to Vegas. Some of our favorite people weren't able to make it, and they were missed but the 6 of us were able to make the time and met up on Sunday. Sunday evening to be exact through Thursday/Friday. Now I'm not going to go through it step by step, mostly because I just don't have the time. But it was so very much fun!!!!! Laura was her typical beautiful self! Always with a smile and tended to be lost without a plan. Drew was his normal Drew, cracking us all up! I swear there was nothing that he didn't have a comment about, but that's what we love about him! He was so very much fun to hang out with! Scott, my married buddy :-) was so much fun to dance with for HOURS! You are one of the nicest people I know, seriously sweet! Can't wait to meet your wife!! Oh and I honestly think you have a future in uhm photography, lol. Heather was so much fun to go shopping with! I adore her and finally got to really hang out and talk this trip. I can NOT wait to get to know her better and am so proud to call her my friend. You have the best smile, and taste in purses!! And then there was Joe.. or was it Dr. Joe? I hadn't gotten to know him before and really enjoyed it this time around! He reminded me so much of Nathan and that was nice. He also was very laid back and my sober buddy :-) I loved that I got you to dance, and look forward to hanging out again!

Like I said, it was wonderful. I desperately needed a break and thoroughly enjoyed my time. It was the little things that made me happy, dancing till the pub closed (2 nights in a row), taking LONG showers... Eating and not having to stick my fingers in it, unless I wanted too! Wearing my hair down and not worrying about it being pulled. All of these things and many more made the trip glorious and a true vacation. It only could have been better if Nathan had come.

Laura and I, Scott, Drew and Joe, Heather and I.

Like I said in the previous post, it's a very busy month. Yesterday the twins had their weight check. They both only gained like half a pound so we're having to give them a can of pedia-sure once a day. Trying to fatten them up is NOT easy!

All the kids are doing wonderful. Looking forward to Halloween and the upcoming holidays!

We had a pretty big storm hit us yesterday and we lost power for about 2 hours. It felt like 10 hours! The kids ran around in the dark and Jon did his homework by candlelight--well until we pulled out the flashlights and camping lanterns (battery powered). It was fun. We did have a very large branch fall on the fence but it was the metal part of the fence so Nate was able to cut it and it's only bent a little bit. It sure was windy though and our yard is a MESS!!

Have a great week!