Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Last week of March...

Another week has past and I have so much to tell.

Nathan spent last Friday skiing with his dad, then spent the night there in Reno. Which left me with all of the munchkins! It went really well and they were prefect little angels for me Friday night. We even did baths which normally is Nate's job but we had played outside after lunch so they were filthy! They went to bed at a decent time which left just Ethan, Jon and I to hang out. Jon had a big report due on Monday so we spent a lot of time on that. Saturday morning Nate had to be home by 10am so we could go to the Mothers of Multiple (MoM) Spring Social. I knew I had to get all the kids dressed, fed and ready to go before Nate even got home so I went to check on the twins and Jake had taken off his pj bottoms and was playing the poop from his diaper!!! Jon came running in (after hearing me say gross gross gross, probably a million times!) and he almost hurled. It was EVERYWHERE!! So thanks to Jon I was able to throw Jake back in the tub while he entertained Aly.

I amazingly had everything ready when Nate got here and we had a great time at the Spring Social! It was at a park and the twins had a great time running around in the grass. Jon had a good time as well racing his scooter all over!

Sunday was another great day! Nathan's parents drove over from Reno and Nathan's brother Mason and his girlfriend Marcela flew up from So Cal. We basically just hung out, played outside a little and ate some yummy food. It was a nice family Sunday. Mason and Marcela were still here on Monday so we all went to the park to play and then out to lunch. It was great having an extra set of hands to help hold or chase a kid :-) Jake was his normal charming self but little miss Aly took to Uncle Mason. Not a really big surprise considering how much she likes guys. We loved having them here and look forward to visiting them down in Southern Ca soon!

So Nate and I have been in the market for a mini-van for quite awhile and after searching and searching we finally bought a brand new Honda Odyssey. Yes we still have the Suburban and yes we still have the Camero... But having both those paid off, we really needed something that didn't guzzle gas! And of course fit all of us, which is not an easy find these days! I'm extremely happy and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! Nate's still not ready to admit it's a mini-van but he's happy that I'm happy :-) And when you have 3 kids 13 months apart, how can you NOT have a mini-van?!?!

Aly had another gymnastics class this morning, she is so much fun to watch! She is just loving it! She's still the only one in this class but the coach just adores her and Aly adores Miss Britlynn. Aly does everything that coach puts her on and already knows how to tuck her head and do a front roll. I think I heard "She's a natural" almost a million times from everyone. It's fun to watch, that's for sure! Jake stayed home with daddy, once he starts to walk better we may try it again, but for now it's just an Aly and Jon thing. Hopefully I'll be able to get pictures, but it's a busy class!

Like I said it was a busy week! I may have to start posting twice a week just to keep up!

Oh Aly now has 3 teeth and a 4th coming through! And Jacob is walking a lot more!

Jon did great on his big report yesterday and is looking forward to seeing that Monster v. Alien movie this weekend with dad.

Things are always crazy around the Poehlman house! Enjoy the pictures!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

~Park & Gymnastics~

We are loving the warm weather! So last Friday Nate and I decided to check out a new park in El Dorado Hills. It had a separate "toddler" park that was enclosed and had the foamy ground. It also had the double swings which we hadn't yet had a chance to put the twins in. It went great!! As you can tell the twins loved the swing! We put them in separate later but they preferred to be with each other. The park also had a sandbox and Jake loved it! Aly couldn't figure out why it was so hard to walk in the sand, so she kept getting frustrated and had to be removed :-) She loved the slides and all the other kids there. Ethan slept through the whole thing so he must have enjoyed it as well! We're looking forward to taking Jon this weekend, the other side of the park is for bigger kids and even has a rock-climbing wall type thing.

Our other great adventure happened today. I enrolled the twins in a gymnastics tumbling class. The first class is free, thank goodness since one of the monkey's didn't like it! The hardest part about the class is the fact that it's at 10:30am, which happens to be nap-time... Jake did not handle that very well. He managed to have some fun, but as soon as the coach put him in the ball pit it was all over, he had a major melt-down! Thank goodness there weren't any other kids this week so the coach could help with Aly while I dealt with Jake.

Now Aly on the other hand had a BLAST!! Aly found her calling... She did everything the coach told her too, including jump! Aly's always been very balanced and sure-footed but I had no idea just how good she was. She was able to walk on the balance beam -- putting one foot in front of the other while the coach held her hand! She loved the trampolines and loved rolling down the mats. There were little feet on the ground to follow (a path type thing) and she followed them all around without any guidance... heck I didn't even know what they were for! She's so close to doing a somersault on her own, I'm sure she'll have that down in a week! I had planned on putting her in dance class at 2 or so but that is definitely on the back burner for now.

Jon is also going back to gymnastics--he did it for a couple months last year but it interfered with soccer and that had to go. Hopefully we won't have the same problem this year. He loves it too! He says that he likes everything about it, but the rope is hard. Yet he's the only one that can climb to the top without any assistance, including the wood thing for under their feet. It helps that at 8.5 years old he still only weighs 48lbs or so.

We have an exciting couple weeks ahead! Uncle Mason (Nathan's brother) and Marcela (Mason's girlfriend) are coming up to visit this weekend, along with grandma and grandpa. It will be nice to have extra hands around :-) I'm hoping Nate goes skiing with his dad on Friday but that's still up in the air. We also have our twins group Spring Social on Saturday, that should be a lot of fun, even the Easter Bunny will be there!! Jon also has a report due on Monday so we have to find time for that as well. Like I said a very busy and fun weekend ahead.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jake thinks it's fun to take off Aly's diaper!

Playing in the tub!

<-- Ethan on St. Patricks Day!

Alyssa in her new spring outfit!
Another week goes by and again so dsmuch has changed! Ethan is 3 weeks and 3 days and is getting big! He had his 3 week check-up today and weighed in at 8lbs 11oz. It was strange going into the doctors office by myself, normally I have Nate there to help! Ethan did catch the cold that we all had a couple weeks ago. Poor guy has a miserable cough and is so congested! The doctor did an oxygen check just to make sure that he was breathing okay, and he was. However we have to really keep an eye on him, it's still RSV season and it's really bad around here. She said that if he stays the same or gets better by Monday then we should be out of the woods.

Alyssa got her 2nd tooth this week!! She now has her 2 top teeth, and is so cute! Jake hasn't gotten any new teeth lately but I keep feeling for a molar--it's just a matter of time.

The twins will be 14 months on the 21st and I just don't know where the time went! I'm loving the spring weather and so are they! Jake is such an observer, and Aly is the doer! She is into everything while he would prefer to just take his time looking around at everything.

We got rid of the bath seats this week! They seem to love being able to move around the tub, and daddy's having a lot of fun trying to keep them sitting :-) We didn't do much for St. Patricks Day but I did dress them in green!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The beginnig....

So I finally decided that I really need to keep up with a blog! The twins are growing so fast and I can never keep up with all that they do. I always manage to forget to tell someone something and I get in trouble :-) So I'm hoping that I can just put everything here to keep anyone and everyone who cares updated on the lives of the Poehlmans.
As for today... Ethan is now 2 weeks and a day old. He was circumcised yesterday morning and poor thing is still in some pain. I just cried right along with him during all the diaper changes yesterday, as I did with Jacob and even Jonathan. So glad that this is the last time! Ethan did get weighed yesterday and had gained a whole 1lb 2oz, putting him at a whopping 7lbs 14oz. I still can't believe he was so small!
The twins are 13.5 months old and I don't know where the time went!
Lets start with Jacob... His biggest issue today is the fact that he has a cold. His poor little nose hasn't stopped running and he has an icky wet cough. But besides that you would never know he was sick. He's all over the place! He's taking 5-6 steps at a time but would still rather crawl. However if you hold his hand to help him walk he thinks its hysterical and can hardly walk because he's so busy laughing. He still seems so much bigger then little Aly! No more teeth to report, so far we have 4 on top and 3 on the bottom. I think his hair is the funniest thing these days. It's really thin and straight and it's always sticking out in some way after a nap or bedtime--I love it! I swear he looks like a little Einstein :-) He's such a happy sweet boy, and he gives the best hugs and open mouth kisses!
Miss Alyssa is just a little doll. I swear she feels hollow when I pick her up! She still is the closed-up one but once her personality comes out--wow is she entertaining! I can not get enough of her precious smile! Speaking of smile she finally got her first tooth last week. I can't believe it took so long and it was her right top middle. However unlike Jake, you had no idea she was teething, still the sweetest thing. She is walking ALL over the place and all the time. She doesn't talk much either but she sure does scream and yell alot. She's also just started singing--too cute!!
Jonathan is now in 3rd grade and sure has a lot of homework! He's doing great in school this year. Multiplication is not a fun thing to learn but he's doing really well! He's also reading at a strong 4th grade level. He just did an Animal Report on Bald Eagles--that was actually a lot of fun and very interesting. As of today Jon is at school--however he called home cause he doesn't feel good. I told him to lie down for a bit and try again. I haven't heard back and he should be home off the bus anytime, so I'm assuming it went well.
As for Nathan and I, we're doing great. Tired, exhausted, blessed, did I mention tired? Ethan is a great sleeper--however I think it's normal for ONE infant :-) we were just used to 2 not sleeping so getting 3 hours of sleep is wonderful! We spent this last weekend looking at mini-vans and will hopefully be getting one in the next week or so. The suburban is just too big and we all know the camero is just too small!
Well Jon's home from school, so I'm off to help with homework!